Saysimple platform
6 min

Why monitoring your messaging KPIs is crucial

Talk to any customer service team member or lead, and they’ll tell you the same thing: efficiency is a driving factor in the work they do. Efficiency is, at its core, about achieving customer service goals with little effort on both sides. It means agents’ ability to answer questions well and quickly, without having to search hard for answers to incoming queries.

Efficiency can have a direct impact on both the customer side, affecting customer experience, and the business side, affecting customer service operations and budgets. Having messaging channels in your arsenal is a great way to achieve this kind of impact! Why? Because agents can manage multiple conversations at once rather than one call at a time.

Get down and dirty with data

Insights in real-time are invaluable. Using a customisable monitoring and KPI dashboard is a huge added value to your business operations.

  1. Measure message volumes for data-driven team management. Timely insights across platforms show you how messaging channels are performing compared to each other and traditional channels. Use this information to better manage your team.
  2. See how your team is performing at any given time. See how long it takes individual agents and teams to resolve incoming queries. Are there certain agents or topics that garner longer response times? Leverage this information to train your team and expand your knowledge base.
  3. Know what topics are generating the most questions. Get a better understanding of what your customers need and relay this information internally. Information is data, and data-driven decisions are at the core of most businesses.

How it works

Now that we have gone through the reasons why data is important, let’s dive deeper into the Saysimple monitoring and KPI dashboard.

It natively integrates the data collected by your Saysimple messaging dashboard and visualises the most important information for your business. From conversation start and end times, to associated agents and tags, the KPI dashboard gives you a comprehensive overview of your customer service efforts.

Data can be filtered based on several different factors, including:

  • Individual- or multiple agents
  • Individual- or multiple teams
  • Individual- or multiple channels
  • Individual- or multiple tags (conversation topics)
  • Predefined- and custom time periods

You can export all conversation data through a secure export. Your operations team can use this data in their preferred third-party visualisation platform to make custom dashboards and queries. The information is extremely valuable when it is used to make data-driven decisions.

Tracking WhatsApp Business conversations

As you may already know, Meta introduced a new pricing model for WhatsApp Business API users on February 1st, 2022. The new pricing model – suitably named conversation based pricing – is based on two (2) types of conversations: user- and business-initiated conversations.

User-initiated conversations start a 24-hour session when a customer sends an unprompted message. Business-initiated conversations, on the other hand, start a new 24-hour session if they reply to after the initial 24-hour session.

The new pricing model includes the first 1000 conversations free of cost to any business using the WhatsApp Business API. This includes both regular and templated messages. To make things clear for you (and to help you keep track of costs), we’ve added both types of conversations in the Saysimple monitoring and KPI dashboard.

The future of messaging insights

It’s no secret that the road to success is paved with data-driven decision making. As your customer service and customer experience efforts develop and grow, leveraging data is the way forward. Insights mixed with Business Intelligence will help you determine where you can implement proactive customer service strategies, AI and chatbots, and even use messaging as a marketing channel. The possibilities are endless!

"Data is the gold of the 21st century. Being able to make decisions based on reliable data is the absolute key in optimising your messaging strategy. With 'Insights', we enable our customers to make data-driven decisions that help them get the most out of all their messaging channels" ~ Tom de Ridder, Product Specialist Saysimple

Start using data to your advantage

Gather data from your messaging channels to identify weak links or gaps in your customer service and customer experience strategies. At the same time, make sure your operations are running smoothly and on budget.

Request a demo to find out more about Saysimple messaging solutions for your customer service and customer experience efforts.