Automate FAQ answers, route questions to the right department, get to the root of customer intent, and save your team time with WhatsApp Flows.
Your CSM will support you throughout the whole process: onboarding, training, implementation, evaluation, and innovation. They are also available to answer questions and help find solutions to any challenges you might face. Your success is our success.
+500 brands already use Saysimple to improve omni-channel customer communities at scale.
Thanks to WhatsApp Call Deflection at Severs Breeman, we saved more than 10 hours of phone time in the first month, and usage is increasing weekly.
You set yourself apart by being available outside of office hours. And that's what we stand for. We don't want to handle customers functionally, but to personally surprise them. That is possible thanks to Saysimple.
With WhatsApp broadcasting via Saysimple Engage, I increased conversion by 20%. I am satisfied with this solution that gives me a complete view of the interaction with my customers.
Via the IDAS integration in the Saysimple platform, we immediately know which customer belongs to which department. This way, we can direct inquiries to the right colleague, retrieve car details, and assist customers more efficiently remotely.