Real Estate
October 4, 2023

Kleurrijk Wonen

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time-consuming communication processes and long phone queues.

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UNIVERGE Business ConneCT integratie

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Reduced phone queues, reduced employee workload, and tenant inquiries are addressed more efficiently. This led to higher customer satisfaction levels and a more streamlined customer service experience overall.

About Kleurrijk Wonen

Finding affordable, nice housing can be difficult. The modern housing corporation Kleurrijk Wonen responds to this by mediating the search for affordable housing for starters, families, singles or people who need care and assistance.

They do this not only by offering homes, but also by focusing on the wishes and needs of future tenants. The supply consists of affordable, pleasant homes for households that have insufficient opportunities to rent or buy a home in the free-sector market.

KleurrijkWonen finds it important that the customers, both tenants and house seekers, are satisfied. Not only about their home and living environment, but also about their search for a home. Therefore, ease of use and customer satisfaction among their customers is important to the social enterprise.

How does Kleurrijk Wonen use WhatsApp?

To handle questions from tenants and house seekers, Kleurrijk Wonen uses our WhatsApp integration with NEC’s BusinessConneCT solution. Speed and convenience, that’s what you want during a home search or when you have a spill. How easy is it to just send an app about an available home or have direct contact about a repair? An app is out the door in seconds.

In addition, WhatsApp is being used to relieve pressure among employees. Handling a telephone customer inquiry can take a lot of time. WhatsApp offers a solution where the change for employees is virtually zero, but the customization opens doors for easy contact with your customer. Young or old: almost everyone already communicates via WhatsApp in their personal lives.

Since the integration, there are fewer phone queues and fewer problems are passed on via WhatsApp. As a result, all parties are satisfied: employees experience a lower workload and customers can be addressed quickly and easily. Thus Kleurrijk Wonen realizes a higher customer satisfaction score in the customer service department. In other words: maximum ease of use for the (future) tenant.